
Reasons for RPL Rejection from ACS

Reason for RPL Rejection from ACS(Australian Computer Society)

RPL is an assessment of a person’s skills who has no ICT qualifications or tertiary ICT qualifications. According to the Australian Computer Society, such candidates must have the necessary skills before migrating to Australia (ACS). RPL evaluates an individual’s relevant prior learning to determine the credit outcomes of an individual requirement (including formal, informal, and non-formal learning). Candidates must meet specific requirements in terms of ability and eligibility. As a result, the applicant must complete the RPL form before applying.

Every year, the Australian Computer Society (ACS) rejects thousands of RPL (Recognition Of Prior Learning) reports for various reasons. ACS considers several factors and guidelines when evaluating RPL reports. For example, plagiarism, being 100% unique and original, having proper word experience and specific qualifications, having a nominated occupation ANZSCO Code, and so on are some of the elements.

RPL rejection can be caused by several factors

ACS will reject your RPL report if ACS finds any errors. As a result, be cautious when writing and submitting your professional projects.

Let’s dive into this topic. We’re sorry to hear that ACS rejected your RPL report. Don’t worry; we’ll go over precisely why ACS rejected your RPL Report.

Last year, our RPL Report Expert investigated the reasons for the rejection or disapproval of many RPL projects. ACCORDING TO THEIR FINDINGS, the ACS denies RPL reports to those who do not follow guidelines or are unaware of ACS rules and regulations. For example, the ACS rejected those who did not conduct adequate research when writing their RPL report, but those who hired RPL report writers were successful. That isn’t to say you should hand over your RPL report to the authors. For that, you’ll have to do a lot of research into the ACS RPL Report’s guidelines, rules, and regulations.

ACS RPL Guidelines

It’s important to remember that RPL’s guidelines are updated regularly. As a result, to achieve a 100% success rate, you must identify these new rules and regulations and strictly apply them to your RPL report.

We’ll go over the ACS RPL Report and why it’s essential before diving into actual implementation. 

RPL is a skill and knowledge assessment for people who don’t have ICT credentials or third-category ICT credentials. Before a person can migrate to Australia, the Australian Computer Society (ACS) requires acquired skills and learned other categories. As a result, both technical and non-technical applicants are examined by ACS. In addition, ICT professionals must send their qualifications, work experience, and knowledge to the ACS for Australian Skills Migration. As a result, ICT professionals who do not have a secondary ICT qualification must fill out an ACS RPL Report Form.

Candidates can apply for one of two basic classes of ACS RPL Assessment Application. They are as follows:

1) Candidates without an ICT degree must have six years of experience working as an expert ICT representative in a field related to the ANZSCO Code for the nominated occupation.

2) Candidates without a tertiary education must work for an additional two years as ICT workers (8 years altogether). The extra two years of experience are not, however, required to meet the ANZSCO code:

Reasons For RPL Report Rejection

Reasons for RPL Report RejectionIrrelevant/ Fake Job Description

The only primary source of information about your ICT knowledge and skills is your job description. As a result, choose job descriptions that are accurate and relevant. With the job description, you should include your relevant work experience and the skills you gained while working as an ICT professional.

You must complete 65 percent of the tasks listed in your RPL report and experience letter. If the job you applied for does not match the job description in its entirety. Your RPL will be rejected as a result. As a result, candidates must demonstrate specific skills that are relevant to the position.

Most importantly, choose your project wisely. Select only those tasks that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and abilities, as stated in any of the ANZSCO codes you intend to apply for. The majority of applicants struggled to select the appropriate ANZSCO codes for their occupation. There fails the ACS RPL Report. Please don’t be embarrassed; instead, learn more about the ANZSCO code and their alternative job title. Please contact our expert if you are still unsure about your occupation or ANZSCO code. They’ll respond in less than a minute.

Insufficient Work Experience

You must mention work experience in a Skilled Employment Reference letter. In addition, you must submit relevant work experience under the skilled migration requirements. Some examples of work experience are as follows:

  • On the employment letterhead, include the applicant’s name, working hours, applicant position, job responsibilities, and other identifying details.
  • You must submit business registration information and official statements from a registered account if you own a business related to the nominated occupation list and work as an ICT professional. 

The application will be rejected as an “inappropriate report format or due to lack of experience” and if any of the criteria are not met.

Plagiarized RPL Report

All files, documents, and content found on the internet or other websites are only used as a source of information. Plagiarism is not permitted. All of your content should be one-of-a-kind and verified. As a result, only use those materials as examples or guidelines.

Don’t be a slacker when it comes to making the report one-of-a-kind and completely original. The vast majority of people download Sample reports from our website, copy the entire sample, and send it to ACS. Those RPL reports are just a sample report that we’ve included as a guide to help you create your own RPL Project report. ACS is brilliant; they use advanced plagiarism detection software and reject your report if they find any plagiarism.

Focus on research, use our reference sample, use a grammar checker, and plagiarism detection software such as Grammarly or Turnitin if you want to write a plagiarism-free RPL Report. If you hire our professional writers and editors, you can rest assured that the RPL report will be 100% original, unique, and plagiarism-free. We have writers for a variety of occupations. 

Some Other Reasons for RPL Rejection

In your report, always include information about the company, the name of the task you selected, the subsidiary organization, and your assigned role in each of the projects.

  • Act out your assigned responsibilities and responsibilities for each project. Demonstrate how your ideas are implemented in the planning and development of each task, which will include your stable zones.
  • Describe the approach used in each task’s System Analysis and Design phase.
  • Indicate the names of the programming languages used in the task to demonstrate your programming expertise.


As a result, the issues mentioned should be of greater concern for you. These minor details should not be overlooked, as they may be used as a reason for RPL rejection. So, be careful when writing your RPL Report and submitting it to ACS.

If you don’t want your RPL report to be rejected, you can hire a professional RPL writing service provider, such as CDRWritingExpert, We help you to create a complete RPL Report or answer your questions. Our RPL experts are available to assist you and answer your queries.