
7 Reasons why your CDR got rejected by Engineers Australia

Did your CDR get rejected by the Engineers Australia? Don’t you know what went wrong? Try not to stress. You are not the only one. And we at CDRWritingExpert get help demands from numerous engineers all around the world who had their CDR rejected, or didn’t get their desired result. For more knowledge, we have mentioned 7 reasons why your CDR got rejected by Engineers Australia.

Mostly, engineers are confused concerning what went wrong with their CDR. That is normal. It is simply because you don’t have any experience preparing a CDR and don’t have idea what the Engineers Australia is searching for in an incredible CDR. All things considered, that is the reason we are here to help you so contact us and get proficient assistance for CDR Writing.

There can be numerous reasons behind your CDR getting rejected, and pin pointing on the specific one can get very troublesome. In any case, here are the all the potential reasons I could consider for your CDR getting rejected, so try to avoid them whenever you start preparing a CDR, or simply get some expert assistance.

Here are the 7 reasons why your CDR got rejected by Engineers Australia:

1. Too technical Career Episode

One of the most common errors is for CEs to be broadly technical, leaving little margin for including different components, for example, “reporting”, “communication”, “cost-related decisions”, “conducting meetings”, and “presentation of pioneering processes”. It is strictly mentioned in the EA guidelines that your Career Episode must not be too technical. Your career episode must include all the components rather than completely dedicating it to the technical description of the work done. The EA wants to check your problem-solving ability and your practical skill. The proof of your theoretical knowledge is given via your educational qualifications.

2. Wrong Format

Following the format for CDR Writing for all the components including a CPD, three Career Episodes and a Summary Statement is imperative. Your CPD must be in a list format, and must be summed up in one A4 page. Your career episodes must be in essay format in about 1000–2500 words. Your summary episodes must be in about 100 words. Summary statements for each discipline of engineering jobs available in Australia have different and set formats, so be careful while downloading them from the EA website.

3. Excessively non-specific

Saying “I structured a circuit board” is a non-specific statement that doesn’t appropriately reflect what you did. Encompassing details such as what design software tool you utilized, what revisions were required, what parts did the circuit board comprised of, and whether you needed to work together with somebody from your group to finish the design, will make things progressively suitable.

4. Plagiarized Contents

There are many samples CDR available online, some with great content. But no matter how great their content is, do not copy anything from internet or any other resources under any circumstances. The CDR samples that you can see online are only for the references. Read them and try to write out similar details from your own carer history. The Engineers Australia (EA) CDR is to be written by you. A glimpse of your own growth, experience and career are to be given there. The Engineers Australia is very strict about plagiarism and rightly so, so be wary of that. Your CDR can get banned for up to twelve months if it got flagged for plagiarism.

5. Using Same Career Episodes

All your career episodes must talk about different projects. No same project must be continued on to another career episode. Do not write about one project in two Career Episodes. Dedicate one career episode to only one project done by you or any one aspect of your engineering journey, which you want to highlight. For Example, you can choose to write the first Career Episode on the project done by you while studying engineering in your college, select the second Career Episode topic for the projects handled by you when achieving higher degree. Finally, choose the third career episode from the later period of you professional career. The applicant can also dedicate any one CE (Career Episode) to the on-job experiences.

6. Wrong Grammar

The Engineers Australia wants you to give an English proficiency test. So, it is quite obvious they won’t accept incorrect grammar. Australian English is quite similar to British English, so make sure that your documents are in perfect grammar.

7. Mentioning others’ experiences

A lot of times, people get lost in their train of thought and start mentioning their team’s experiences and contributions to a project. That must be avoided at all cost! The Engineers Australia is not included in your whole team. They are just going to hire you and not your whole team. So, even if it was a team project, mention only your contributions and experiences.

CDR writing is not an easy task to do and you need to be extremely alert and careful while writing the report. Mostly people take professional CDRWritingExpert Help to ensure high quality and well-written reports and avoid any sort of risk of rejection. These professional help are given by qualified engineers practicing in Australia who have a clear idea of the requirements and type of content that would attract and impress the Engineers Australia. An immigrant can only be judged through the CDR therefore, the concerned authorities check these reports very carefully.