
Migration Skill Assessment Booklet For Engineers Australia

Migration Skill Australia Booklet Feature Image

Are you a qualified engineer interested in working in Australia? You must be familiar with Engineers Australia’s Migration Skill Assessment Booklet if you answered yes. Migration Skill Assessment (MSA) Booklet is a test used to assess applicants’ qualifications and employment histories. An engineer who wants to migrate to Australia and work as a skilled engineer must pass this test.

It is the authorized body of Australia to regulate and oversee the quality of MSA booklets.

All the information you need to prepare documents to migrate to Australia is provided here.

Migration Skill Assessment (MSA) Booklet Overview

Engineers Australia has updated the MSA Booklet to show engineers how to achieve high marks on the skill assessment test. It contains all the information required for the test. It has been divided into five sections, each with important information.

The Four Sections of Migration Skill Assessment Booklet

Section A

Introduction: This section explains how the process of skill assessment is taken by Engineers Australia starting with the requirement details, fee details, online process, assessment process, and the result of the assessment.

Section B

All the necessary details are provided here for the candidate to choose a skill assessment pathway.

Section C

You will find all the necessary information on how to write a flawless CDR report in this section.

Section D

Additional assessment services are described in this section.

Pathways For Migration Skill Assessment

Engineers Australia offers two types of Migration Skill Assessment Booklets:

  1. Accredited Qualification
  2. Non-Accredited Qualification

Engineers Australia recognizes or authorizes the candidate’s degree, so you may apply under the Accredited Qualification Category. However, if the candidate does not have a degree i.e. is not authorized by Engineers Australia, you must write a high-quality CDR Report and send it to Engineers Australia.

Five Migration Skill Assessment Pathways accredited by EA are listed below:

  • Accredited Australian qualifications
  • Washington Accord qualifications
  • Sydney Accord qualifications
  • Dublin Accord qualifications
  • Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

You need to prepare a high-quality CDR report when a candidate does not have a degree that has been authorized by Engineers Australia. Here are a few things you should consider while preparing the CDR, which are also mentioned in the MSA booklet.

Components Of CDR Report

  • Personal Information
  • Application Information
  • Educational Background
  • Details About Previous skilled employment

Let’s further discuss in detail about components of the CDR Report

1. Personal Information

Candidate must include relevant details that can provide personal information, such as passport size photo, prime id, name change documents, CV/resume, and English Language Test results.

2. Application Information

Applicants must provide details of the occupation they want to be evaluated. The occupation must be included in ANZSCO Code occupations.

3. Education Background

Candidates must include their educational credentials, as well as transcripts and any other relevant academic documents.

4. Details About Previous Skill Employment

Candidates must provide evidence of previous skill employment based on engineering experience and apply for the Relevant Skilled Employment Services.

5. CDR Report

Candidate must prepare a CPD statement, Career Episode, and Summary Statement of high quality and originality. Let’s discuss this more in-depth.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

It’s the evidence that shows how the candidate stays up-to-date in their field of engineering after completing undergraduate studies. You need to provide a table with information such as title, date, duration, place, and organizer.

It is necessary to include a certificate from each course in your CPD listing, but not more than one A4 page.

Career Episode

In a Career Episode, the candidate expresses how they are using their skills and knowledge on the job.  Candidates should prepare three career episodes, and each career episode should describe how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills to the nominated occupation.

Summary Statement

Three career episodes are summarized in the summary statement. In Engineer Australia’s MSA booklet, candidates can find sample summary statements.

You can also check MSA Booklet 2020 listed by Engineers Australia for more detailed information.

Why should you use CDR Writing Expert?

Assisting and guiding in the preparation of high-quality and original CDR reports is the role of CDR report writers. You should follow all the rules and guidelines in the MSA Booklet before preparing or submitting your CDR report to Engineers Australia.

Our team of experienced and licensed engineers and writers is always ready to assist our valued clients. Our commitment is to provide our clients with acceptance by EA on their first attempt.