
Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia

Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers AustraliaEngineering Associate degrees were often given titles that cover a wide range of engineering disciplines, such as Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering. They could be related to a specific application like airplane maintenance, soil testing, marine propulsion, or computer networking, and environmental engineering. 

Engineering Associates should have a generalized knowledge base that allows them to place their knowledge in the broadest possible context and accept professional responsibility for their work as fully qualified members of the engineering team.

Stage 1 competency represents the minimum level of preparation required for entry for practice. While gaining experience, a newly certified Engineering Associate would be expected to work under the direction and guidance of more experienced Associates or Professional Engineers. Graduate Associates are invited to participate in Engineers Australia-approved Professional Development Programs while polishing the practice competencies that will qualify them for Stage 2 assessment and the title of Chartered Engineering Associate. 

Stage 1 competency is equivalent to completing a two-year Advanced Diploma of Engineering or Associate Degree of Engineering (AQF Level 6) that includes a program of Engineers Australia-approved units of competency or courses. Some Engineering Associates will have taken different paths, such as completing multiple phases of in-service training early in their careers, then collecting and expanding their knowledge to reinforce their theoretical foundation.

What is Stage 1 Competency Assessment?

Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia Skills Assessment is the degree of competency required for entry to practice as a certified member from the engineering team, compared to completion of an accredited or recognized educational qualification. A Stage 1 Competency Assessment determines eligibility for membership.

Stage 1 Competency Assessment indicates that you have a clear understanding of the body of engineering knowledge relevant to your occupational class (Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, or Engineering Associate), as well as the ability to apply that knowledge to representative issues and situations typical of the responsibilities of specialists in your occupational classification. You should also possess the qualities and abilities necessary to function as an expert, as well as the intellectual capacities to test and continually develop your knowledge through long-term learning in both formal and informal contexts.

Stage 1 Competency Standards for Engineering Associate

The competency Standard is defined by 3 Competencies:

  1. Knowledge and Skill Base
  2. Engineering Application Ability
  3. Professional and Personal Attributes 

Elements of Stage 1 Competencies

Elements of Competency, of which there are sixteen in all, are used to describe each Competency. The Competencies and Elements of Competency, when taken together, constitute the profession’s expression of knowledge and skills, engineering application abilities, and professional skills, values, and attitudes that must be demonstrated at the point of entry to practice. 

Knowledge and Skill Base

  • Descriptive, thesis-based understanding of the natural and physical sciences, as well as engineering fundamentals relevant to the engineering profession.
  • Conceptual Understanding of mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, computer, and information technology that Supports the engineering discipline.
  • In-depth practical knowledge and skills in an engineering discipline.
  • Practical knowledge of research and development engineering discipline.
  • Knowledge of engineering design and contextual factors impacting the practice area.
  • Understanding of principle, accountability, scope, bounds of sustainable engineering practice in the area of practice.

Engineering Application Ability 

  • Application of established approaches of engineering to complex engineering problem-solving.
  • Fluent application of techniques, tools, and resources of engineering.
  • Application of systematic processes of engineering synthesis and design.
  • Application of systematic methods to the conduct and management of engineering projects.

Professional and Personal Attributes

  • Professional accountability and ethical leadership.
  • Effective oral and written communication is essential. In both professional and lay ways, 
  • Behavior that is creative, original, and proactive.
  • Data management and use that is effective.
  • Self-management that is well-organized, as well as professional behavior.
  • Enrollment and team leadership that works.

Who needs a Stage 1 Competency Assessment?

If your qualification is non-accredited or recognized by Engineers Australia, you must take a Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia. Consider the following points:

  • Engineers Australia has not authorized or accepted any applicants with Australian engineering qualifications.
  • Applicants with engineering qualifications from outside of Australia that Engineers Australia does not recognize.
  • Applicants having engineering or engineering-related qualifications that are not recognized by Engineers Australia but who may have post-graduate engineering qualifications and extensive experience with engineering work.
  • Engineers Australia will analyze overseas immigrants’ engineering qualifications with the purpose of allowing them to migrate to Australia. For further information, refer to the Migration Skills Assessment Booklet.

Why should you hire Stage 1 Competency Assessment Assistance?

Stage 1 competency exam for Engineers Australia migration skills assessment isn’t an easy task. A CDRWritingExpert from the help of our professional writers who are experts in their sector. The report we provide is 100% original and plagiarism-free.

We are always available. When you come to our site looking for help with a CDR report, one of our staff members will be waiting for you at the chat support to provide you with a brief guide. You have a set amount of time to present your stage 1 competency assessment report. We work in accordance with these events in order to ensure that no one misses the deadline. We also provide CDR reviewing, editing & proofreading, RPL report, KA02 report, and plagiarism checking & removal services.